Monday, March 13, 2017

Great update

Dacotah is jumping, for those of you not on our FACEBOOK page. Dacotah is officially jumping with two feet off of the ground!!! He is still trying to talk, but it's about things he wants/needs or just things that are of interest to him. It's small talk but I'll take it.

He is also allowing us to read to him. Granted we cannot get through a full book (including toddler books) but he is showing some interest FINALLY. I found him some books at a local consignment sale that says "Let's go to..." and it has different places such as school, hospital, doctor, playground,etc. He likes them enough to line them up, so I'm hopeful he will let me read to him. I may change up his bedtime routine slightly and try reading before bed.

Today was his last day to see Dr. Los, his endocrinologist. He was very pleased with the results and how much Dacotah is able to do since he started the T-shots. :) I too am very pleased and was glad to find a specialist who was open to new research. It has made a HUGE difference. He doesn't have have see endo again until he is somewhere around 5-8 years old. At that point a decision will be made on whether a second round is a good idea based on updated research in 2-3 years. We know he will need it for puberty so a middle stop to see would not be a bad idea.

PT, OT, and Speech all saw him in today's visit. It was Chaotic for this momma, but Dacotah was a champ. His attention span is 1-2 minutes which is typical, but it drives me crazy that he goes from one thing to another to another. They are slowly working on increasing that. But in the meantime his school therapist are amazing. I love them all. In another month I will start the discussion on summer therapies and see what I need to have in place for OT and PT. Speech is out of the question, but I am sure I can find us stuff to work on so he doesn't lose what he has gained.

Biting... oh geez.... That was brought up today. He loves to bite especially when he is frustrated. Montana blocked him from going into the kitchen and he bit her on the stomach. Sorry I can't say I blame him. Sad but true. She loves to irritate him. I am hoping in a couple of weeks I will know the best way to approach her and we can find a middle ground.

Travis and I have started going out individually to do things on a weekly basis. Sometimes we take Montana along, sometimes we go to the store or something without either kid. I love these moments. I love my family don't get me wrong, but I need time to reset so I can be more available to them as they need me. Like the old saying goes "you can't fill someone else's cup if yours is empty".

I would like to eventually find someone we trust to watch them for an afternoon or so a month so we could go out for the day or even overnight. I'm sure Montana would like to go somewhere with just mommy and daddy without bubby sometimes too. This is something we haven't done since Dacotah came along.

Anyway let's get ready for class. I cannot wait until May.... Graduation is in sight and then I am done for a very very long time.

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