Friday, June 3, 2016

New Speech therapist, a rough trip to the store, and the cat

Dacotah's new speech therapist came on Tuesday. Her name is Katie, and she was super nice. Dacotah interacted with her so much more than he ever did with the other lady. Perhaps, it he felt more safe as she was definitely more calm and played with him. Our focus is trying to get him weaned and onto a sippy cup at night time. So far I haven't tried it as it has been a long week. I think with me having to work a weekend would be better in case we are up for hours trying to get him to take a cup. She is on vacation next week and we aren't sure when she will come back, but she did agree that the visual cue cards of "I want....." would be a great place to start. Interactive play and repeating words to him would be great.

If you are on my facebook page you can skip this part as I posted these earlier this week:

1) Dacotah let us swing him in the Lycra material Mel left for us to use. Best way to describe Lycra is swimsuit material. He's always avoided it and today he didn't want us to stop swinging him. Now to find the link and order him a swing/sheet combo and a hammock made of Lycra..

2) At Aldi's the other day the following took place There is no doubt in my mind about Dacotah's diagnosis. Aldi's always leads to a screaming fit but this time he bent over and plugged both of his ears. When I picked him up and held him tight he calmed back down, I asked if it was too much noise and he nodded yes. Travis asked if he wanted to go to the van and again he nodded yes.

It is my hope that he will soon start sleeping better. Last night (I recorded this on my phone) he went down and slept:

  3 hours 20 mins
  1 hour 28 min
  1 hour 28 min
  1 hour 22 minutes
  1 hour 14 minutes  

So even though it was almost 9 hours, it was interrupted and REM cycle was short if it was at all after the first 3 hours. Which leads to a cranky 2 year old and a super tired mommy. I'm hopeful something soon will give, but others on the sensory page states that their older kids still do not sleep through the night. I hope this is not our case.

Last night we ran to lowes to get replacement parts to the trampoline (I'm hoping to get it together this evening). Dacotah was fine until we stepped inside, as soon as we stop to look at something he will start crying. (I think that at this point because there's no movement he is hearing everything going on around him and it's too much). If daddy puts him in the buggy and pushes him nonstop he does much better until the movement becomes an issue. :(

Frappe our cat and Dacotah are super attached. If the cat isn't in the house Dacotah will stand at the door and will sign for us to come over and then he says "kitty". The cat is super patient with him and has never hissed or clawed at him, but instead stays right by his side when he naps during the day.


  1. Have you ever tried wearing him in the store? Like in a carrier so you aren't killing your arms? I wonder if you could hold him and kind of sway to help?

    Also, what about a backpack and harness? Would he be happier w that? Could still move even if you stopped briefly?

  2. Have you ever tried wearing him in the store? Like in a carrier so you aren't killing your arms? I wonder if you could hold him and kind of sway to help?

    Also, what about a backpack and harness? Would he be happier w that? Could still move even if you stopped briefly?
