Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Notes for mommy

Dacotah scratches a lot! And by a lot I mean he scratches himself over and over and over until he gets rashes and bleed from it. He has done this for as long as I came remember. In fact a few moments ago he started scratching in his sleep and will continue doing so until I repeat several times to stop scratching. In the car, at the pool, outside, and in his sleep.... Is it possibly sensory stimulation?

Head banging, if he isn't scratching he pushes himself into the wall repetively while asleep... Again enough until I pull him back down and wake him just enough for him to "reset" for a lack of better word.

Sleep disturbance and startle reflexes. The hospital where he was born made him stay an extra day because of his startle response! The doctor told me that wasn't normal infant behavior and she wanted to watch him overnight to make sure he was okay. Little did we think then that there was something genetic causing it. Kids with SPD don't sleep well. He hit that on the head, hence why most of my blogging is done in the middle of the night. Granted he is asleep currently as I'm writing this down.

I tried posting a video on Facebook last night he will march around in a circle and clap his hands. It's so cute and I love it but he doesn't jump. He loves however for me to hold him and jump with him!

I called and made his appointment with the specialist and we see her at 1:30 on the 27th! I am not nervous, honestly at this point I would rather know for sure instead of wondering. That's how my mind works! The 27th is going to be a fun day we have to be in JC to see the dentist (for the first time) at 8:30am, so I am hoping he will nap from JC to Kingsport so he's not melting down from just being tired.

He has an OT appointment tomorrow and it will be great going over everything I've come up with over the past two weeks with Mel and get another opinion, guess I'm trying to make sure I'm not just overreacting and making a mountain out of a mole hill, but at the same time I want to make sure that the doctors or I (his primary advocate) don't miss the small things and set him back.

I am still waiting on his hammock, swing, and Lycra sheet, the guy on the phone said someone was supposed to have called and confirmed that I wanted the orange hammock since it's really a peach color. Sooooo I ordered him a royal blue (for Duke!) instead. The guy swears it will be here Thursday. OT is scheduled for 3, so I may go to the post office today and put a hold on tomorrow's mail so I can pick it up and have it ready to use tomorrow afternoon. Guess you could say I want to make sure we know how to use it correctly so he gets the maximum benefit!

Oh and I did locate a link for compression clothes (he despises the weighted vest) that aren't $150 each!!!!! Add a medical word and prices skyrocket. So I did find them for $20. The biggest issue I had trying to locate them was no one had the right size. We looked into rash guard and if it were tight enough on the body it was too small to go over his head! If it fit over his head it was too loose... So the website I shared with Mel allows you to measure your child and have the right shirt sent. Not quite custom fit but pretty darn close!

We tried noise cancelling headphones. They lasted all of..... Wait of it..... 1.25 seconds before they were flung off his head and into the floor while he screamed! We waited until he calmed down and the same thing.... I'm not done, I may attempt headphones with the DVD player in the van (that's been a godsend) he loves watching Bob the Builder and Paw Patrol, so he may wear them so he can hear it, if so maybe just maybe we can use (if I can find some super light weight ones) the noise cancelling for stores. Did I mention HE HATES 100% WITHOUT A DOUBT     ANYTHING.  TOUCHING. HIS.  HEAD....

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